Saturday, November 14, 2009

Who is Brian William Conklin & EuroCapital BanCorp and what are they up to with USXP?

On October 21st, 2009 a gentleman by the name of Brian William Conklin made a post on (click here to read the post) stating he is working with Richard Altomare and EuroCapital BanCorp to raise USXP from the ashes. He asks people to contact him at the following email address if they are interested in resurrecting their investment in USXP:

I wonder if Bryan got that Yahoo! address last month and threw 2002 behind his name to fool people into thinking he's been around awhile. Real high rollers these guys.

Nothing like trusting people with your money who use Yahoo! email addresses and look for investors on discussion forums. Richard Altomare must of told them how gullible USXP investors are.Can you spell N-I-G-E-R-I-A?

Can you believe it? I guess it
is a given that someone would come along sooner or later trying to find a way to profit off the poor saps that fell for Altomare's original scam. But Altomare himself? Can you believe how full of himself this scam artist is? I guess it is true that criminals often return to the scene of the crime and my guess is many of his old investors will too. Is it going to be with the lure "Just give me some more money and I'll get your old money back"?

Not a whole lot to be found on EuroCapital BanCorp. I found some of their press releases on web sites that publish stuff like that for free. EuroCapital's main web site is down because the domain name was not renewed. A brochure on the company can be found here and here is a video of Steve Bryant, president of EuroCapital, touting his firm. You don't need to watch more then a few seconds of the video to get the idea of what is going on. In addition, a company by the name of Atlantic Bancorporation and Atlantic Financial Holding occupies the same address in New Zealand. Atlantic has an address also in Panama and advertises off-shore banking. Another company using the same address is Atlantic Savings and Loan (you can learn more about Atlantic here).

EuroCaptal's registration in New Zealand lists a James Gordon Smith
36 Shongum Road, Randolph, NJ 07869, as a director of EuroCapital Banco and "AUCKLAND BANCSHARES LIMITED" is listed as the only shareholder Auckland Bancshares is a New Zealand company that lists one director and one shareholder by the name of Joan-Lesley Hansford-Jenson (nominee director?). Click here to read an article about a company accused of a 71 Million dollar scam that lead back to a company owned by Mrs. Jenson. Her husband, owner of a local taxi company, says he sets the companies up for her.

One more thing you can't miss here is the fax number being used by Steve Bryant's firm which can be found on their contact page here: (the address you see is a mail drop, one which a not so savory guy is also using). Click on the following link to see complaints people have about recorded and live phone calls coming from the line they use now as their fax number:

Ironic isn't it that Altomare (the king of pump-n-dump) is now promoting a new connection he has with off-shore yahoo's after blaming his downfall on off-shore shorts? No surpise, Altomare's greed seems to know no boundaries. The real questions is: Is this where Altomare stashed his haul from USXP? Has Altomare done business with these guys before? I guess time will tell because one thing is for sure with Richard Altomare aka Commander Fluffy, he will slip up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mr. Rinehart,
The Altomare involvement was shut off, not turned on. One of our secretaries inadvertantly dropped a key word. Eurocapital Bancorp is no longer dealing with Mr. Altomare at all nor ever will again.

Brian W. Conklin

About Brad Rinehart

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Born and raised in Southern California, Brad is an Artist now living in New York City. Brad Rinehart is devoting more of his time these days to looking behind the Penny Stock Scams that infest Wall Street.